Hi all,
the QuickBuild 'axis' archive signing key and also my personal key used to
sign Alternative preliminary stable-builds archive (trinity-sb) were updated
2014-06-21 to increase the key strength from 1024 bits to 4096 bits in
accordance with a recent security advisory.
The new QuickBuild 'axis' archive key fingerprint is:
414A 7361 20EA D92E AE8B 24AE F7F9 96A6 00A5 8606
The new my personal key fingerprint is:
453E B7B3 8E49 1AE1 108C D8BC 608F 5293 A04B E668
You may add both updated signing keys to your system with this command:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver
keyserver.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net --recv-keys
00A58606 A04BE668
Soon, all my archives will be signed by the new key. It is also recommended
that you remove the old signing keys from your system:
sudo apt-key adv --delete-keys 80479E11 ED1F4884
I apologize for this small inconvenience.
Thank you for using TDE!
Slávek Banko