There shouldn't be anything krdc specific about
it. The main thing you
need to know is the TCP port number for VNC this is 5900 (for display 0,
display 1 will have 5901, etc.) and for RDP this is 3389.
To set up an SSH tunnel, you use the following syntax:
ssh -L localport:remotehost:remoteport user@hostname
This will forward remotehost's remoteport to localport over the SSH
connection establish with hostname.
The alternative:
ssh -R remoteport:a_localhost:a_localhostport user@hostname
This will forward everything to remoteport on hostname from
a_localhost:a_localhostport. This would be a reverse tunnel.
If you have a system with both VNC and SSH running on it, you could use
ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 user@system_with_vnc+ssh
And then use localhost:0 (which would be localhost, port 5900) to
connect in krdc. If you would already run a local VNC server, go up one
ssh -L 5901:localhost:5900 user@system_with_vnc+ssh
and in krdc use localhost:1
If you detail your specific sitation a bit, I could explain it better I
I haven't ignored your response. Thank you. I simply have not had time to sit and
focus on this. :(