When the
rebuild finishes go ahead and search the tde-config
binary again for "applications/kde". If the string is still in
there please Email the binary to me directly so I can examine it more
No such string.
I just built a new package set (core packages only) to test
$PREFIX/share/applications/tde. Same results. :-(
* All desktop files installed to /opt/trinity/share/applications/tde.
* grep -rna "applications/kde" /opt/trinity/lib produces no results
* grep -rna "applications/kde" /opt/trinity/bin produces no results
* grep -rna "applications/tde" /opt/trinity/lib produces no results
* grep -rna "applications/tde" /opt/trinity/bin produces one result:
* tde-config --install xdgdata-apps produces:
* Opening Konqueror and selecting Settings/Configure Konqueror shows only
four items in the left-side icon list: 1) Behavior, 2) Appearance, 3)
Previews * Meta-Data, 4) Performance. All other configuration items are
missing from the icon list.
* A new profile results in the same Konqueror behavior with only four
items showing in the icon list.
* Creating a sym link (ln -s /opt/trinity/share/applications/tde
/opt/trinity/share/applications/kde) and restarting the session results in
all configuration items in the Konqueror icon list to appear.
* Session saving is disabled throughout this testing (start with new
* ksycoca cache was deleted before starting each desktop session.
I'm starting to recognize this pattern....try grepping for /kde in your
XDG directories (that means your system XDG directory as well as your
profile and the XDG directories under the TDE prefix). I suspect you will
run across at least one .desktop file that contains the string.