I can view crsc-app-gvdipart.svg and
in eog without issue. However attempting to open crsc-app-gvdipart.svg in
konqueror preview in kde 3.5.10 results in a CRASH that takes konqueror down. This
further points to some BUG in the kde/tde svg handling/rendering code. eog opened
the svg without any issue and displayed it correctly. kde (and I presume tde as
well) viewers crash on the same svg. That suggests to me that the kde/tde svg
code lack basic error checking to allow correct loading and display of svg
Darrell, if you have eog installed, then conduct the same
test. View crsc-app-gvdipart.svg in eog and then attempt to view it in
konqueror by rt-clicking and choosing KSVGPlugin. If you get the same
crash, then we have a real svg bug in TDE that is a blocker and needs to be fixed
for 14. My kde kcrash is attached.
Yes, at one point during my fiddling I got konqueror to crash too. I was going to post
backtraces, but my backtraces all are suspect because they all reference
"/dev/shm," which is my tmpfs/$TMP location for building packages. I don't
know why my backtraces say that.
I don't have eog installed and with Slackware, I'd have to build myself (not a
stock package). I don't like GTK apps anyway. :-) Besides, karbon opened and saved the
image fine, which then gwenview opened without crashing.
I wonder whether karbon is using different svg algorithms than the embedded svg viewer and
gwenview. We have a few bug reports filed about svg. I wonder whether this type of
behavior warrants a separate bug report. Or perhaps the bug report should address why some
Trinity apps can open svg and some can't and to ensure all use the same algorithms.