The one that did catch my eye was
'Zeroconf Service Discovery'. With the
new uses for avahi for iphone printing, etc., it might be
nice to have
an interface to it in kcontrol.
On this topic i have the service working nicely. Avahi
should be present before building, and the user/group
already created (read the avahi SBo readme for this).
I'm using a patched avahi package and also
nss-mdns-0.10-i486-1. Zeroconf seems to be working nicely.
This is an example of KControl optimizing I discussed in the etherpad, where a KControl
module should appear only when the underlying related software is available. That is, the
Zeroconf Service Discovery module should not build when a DNS service discovery service is
not available. Or, should not appear even if built when a DNS service discovery service is
not installed at run time.
One thing i noticed about themes (which is not super
important for me, but my users cry about it) is that
standard themes just
don't work with trinity. I couldn't compile any of
them, and simply changing paths or symlinking doesn't
cut it. There is even a prebuilt trinity-domino slackware
theme that doesn't work for me on slackware. I would
like to get moodin working for trinity ... but need to wait
until git is unborked.
I use Slackware. I don't use themes, but point me to a couple of example themes and
I'll help troubleshoot.