I read whole thing and this is the guy that seems to
understand why we
are keeping trinity alive. But I didn\t like the last paragraph. It
seems that he blames re-branding of trinity. I think we should explain
clearly why this was done either in the about page or in the FAQ. I
already added question about this to the FAQ Draft in etherpad, but
honestly, I didn't really know how to ask this kind of thing, nor
explain this... This kind of criticism isn't really constructive, and
we should have all the tools we need to fight against any kind of
un-constructive, and unreasonable blaming either in the faq or in the
about page IMO.
It wouldn't hurt to have a bit more informative landing page to
clarify that Trinity is referring to KDE3 (I assume) and not
referring to religion. I can kind of understand the misunderstanding,
although it never occurred to me that Trinity would be a "Catholic"
desktop, or anything like that.
The Christian doctrine of the Trinity defines God as three divine
persons (Greek: ὑποστάσεις):[1] the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ),
and the Holy Spirit.
- Nigel