On 5/20/24 5:58 PM, deloptes via tde-devels wrote:
What is the benefit of all this? It consumes much more
electricity for
nothing. Wouldn't it be better to build for example in i386 chroot on amd64
or VM? You can install then in the older system.
Seems somebody always raises this question. What's the benefit of
maintaining anything, such automobiles or furniture? I still have the
first hand tool I purchased -- a hammer in 1977. Still works.
Many people waste more electricity with their huge power hogging
refrigerators and swimming pool pumps than I will ever use with vintage
computers that get powered on a few times a month. Total house
electricity usage here usually is less 200 kw-hrs/month. I doubt many
people can make a similar claim.
The real benefit is because I want to. Tinkering with older computers
brings me pleasure. Like keeping KDE3 on life support?