On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Ilya Chernykh <neptunia(a)mail.ru> wrote:
On Thursday 03 March 2011 06:28:21 Timothy Pearson
Recently I saw in the KDE forum that somebody suggested that Trinity could be
named "KDE Classic" to empathize the connection with all the KDE heritage and
history and also underline that it is the true KDE.
- It would spare you from re-branding and re-drawing
the artwork.
- KDE is well known desktop and brand.
- Many KDE3 apps claim they are written for KDE. This may create confusion
with some users if they use Trinity.
- Continuous version system (KDE Classic 4 etc vs. Trinity 4).
- You empathize that KDE3 did not dead, and KDE Classic is the true KDE rather
than KDE SC 4.
- Parallels with Mac OS Classic, Windows Classic (a Windows appearance theme)
- You can keep the both names: "KDE Classic by Trinity project" etc.
Good points, may be a good idea.
I thought many times what would happen if the creators
of KDE4 named their
desktop "Plasma" or something and left the brand of KDE to KDE3. I think in
that case KDE4 would not be so popular because the users would not associate
it with KDE and perceived only KDE3 as the last true KDE. Indeed the name
means very much.
I didn't know right away about the "SC" part, then it got me to
thinking why they don't restart their versioning. They say that
starting with KDE4, it is no longer a Desktop Environment, but instead
a Software Compilation. Then I had to wander why the "DE" is still in
KDE4, that will surely cause people to think "Desktop Environment"
when they see people referring to KDE4 and not KDE4 SC. Maybe we
should tell them? Not like they'd listen, but then nobody could blame
us for not speaking up :-P
Ark Linux Webmaster
Trinity Desktop Environment Packager