3.5.12 is the next release, which is being worked on in SVN right now. I
have not gotten around to updating the code to refer to 3.5.12 yet,
although it is on my to-do list.
Regarding the SVN revision number, I use Python for part of my automated
build system. The Python code to extract the version number is as
#GPL Licensed...
run_or_die('svn up')
svn_revno=os.popen("exec 6>&2 2>/dev/null; svn log | head -n 2 | tail -n 1
| awk '{print $1}'; exec 2>&6 6>&-").read().strip()
while (svn_revno == ''):
svn_revno=os.popen("exec 6>&2 2>/dev/null; svn log | head -n 2 | tail -n
1 | awk '{print $1}'; exec 2>&6 6>&-").read().strip()
if svn_revno == '' :
print "A fatal error occured--terminating"
print svn_revno
You can copy that into a script and run it from the top level directory of
the module you want the revision number of; e.g. kdelibs/, kdebase/, or
dependencies/arts/ Be aware that my Email system may force parts of lines
into the next line; you may have to manually "reassemble" the longer lines
in the script above.
Slackware uses the version number as part of the
package name. Currently I
am using 3.5.11. Yet I notice in various places that possibly 3.5.12 might
be correct.
Does your svn tree contain a version number I can grab on-the-fly in my
build scripts?
This would be a typical Slackware package name:
The -3 is a sequential build number for the respective Slackware release.
I could create a package name such as:
Is there a place somewhere in the svn tree to grab the correct date/time
or svn release number?
I appreciate suggestions and help.