On Thursday 17 November 2011 11:50:12 am Calvin Morrison wrote:
My Mistake, I meant to say "markdown". In
which you do almost no specific
formatting, no sizes or colors. This is all done when you generate the
files the only markup you need for markdown is very basic. for example:
*this is bold*
_this is italic*
# This is my top header
## second header
### third
* here is a list iten
* here is another list iten
* here is the third and final item
I'll add that after MediaWiki, I find that fairly simple, but unless I have
to, I don't want to type more than needed. Pushing shift+8 before each list
item is harder than clicking the list button in LO Writer, pushing enter
after all items, then click the list button again. Shift+8 is easier than the
button only for a really short list, but for long lists, it's a bit
Also, being used to CTRL+I, CTRL+B, etc., and seeing my changes instantly, I'm
likely to forget something obvious. I do that all the time with HTML. For
lots of markup or markdown code, my eyes would go crooked finding that one
mistake. I think others share that same experience.
I think the "shorter is easier" thing will, for most people, apply to
markdown, while "longer is easier" will be for word processors.
Kristopher Gamrat
Ark Linux webmaster