We need a list of members and skills. Eg:
Member Skills
David BASH, Arch Build
Serghei CMake
Darrell BASH, c++, Slack Build
<needed> autoconf, Makefiles, configure scripts
That way we would at least have a reference of who has the
skills to help with what. There is no question that each of us, given enough
time, could solve each of the problems presented. The question is one of
efficiency. If it takes Darrell 10 days to search and learn the intricacies of
configure tests to solve the include problem that someone else could solve in 5
minutes, then that is a wasted 9 days 23 hours and 55 minutes that could have been
spent advancing other issues with R14. Knowing who to go to would go a long way to
eliminating this type of issue.
I'm no C++ expert! :) I'm just now teaching myself C++. Newbie! Except for some
tip-of-the-iceberg basics, I get lost walking through the code. Even if I understood C++,
I don't understand how the (T)Qt-T/KDE environment intertwines together.
I'll volunteer Calvin as a C++ person. He'll have to vouch for his skill level,
but he's 10x better than anything I can dream of.
Tim is a C++ Gandalf White Wizard.
There are many others lurking in this list but I don't know their skill sets.
As you noted, many of the problems we encounter likely are trivial to an experienced
person. Five minutes later the problem is solved --- and everybody learns too. :)
I'm not sure we need a list. If people are subscribing to this list then hopefully the
experts step forward and help. :)
With respect to the tqca package, I need help ensuring the tqt headers are found. I'll
keep doing whatever grunt work is required beyond that. I tried copying how tqca-tls
works, but with no success. I tried modifying the build flags too.