tqtinterface build system was massively reworked.
Available options:
USE_QT3 - activate Qt3 support
USE_QT4 - activate Qt4 support
QT_PREFIX_DIR - the place where qt is installed
default: /usr
For Qt3, QT_VERSION inherits QTDIR, _if_ QTDIR environment variable is set.
QT_INCLUDE_DIR - the place where qt headers are installed
default: ${QT_PREFIX_DIR}/include/qt${QT_VERSION}
QT_LIBRARY_DIR - the place of qt libraries
default: ${QT_PREFIX_DIR}/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}
For Qt4, libQtGui.so presence is checked, if is not exists in
checked as well
QT_LIBRARIES - list of qt libraries required for linking
Default for Qt3 - qt-mt
Default for Qt4 - QtCore QtGui
QT_BINARY_DIR - the place where qt tools are installed (moc and uic)
default: ${QT_PREFIX_DIR}/bin
MOC_EXECUTABLE - absolute path to moc
default: ${QT_BINARY_DIR}/moc
UIC_EXECUTABLE - absolute path to uic
default: ${QT_BINARY_DIR}/uic
Note: PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR is defaulted to /usr/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/pkgconfig,
to avoid tqt detection problems.
Note: these options are available only for tqtinterface, the rest of packages
inherits it automatically from tqt (for example, you do not need to pass
argument QT_VERSION=3 to kdelibs' cmake).