The primary
reason I got frutrated yesterday is not my lack of C++
skills. My frutration comes from the fact that asking for coaching
help in this list is futile.
Yep - amen. I'd love to learn what is required to
fix the systemd
user session tracking issue, but for me, >at this point, to sit down
and try to follow the c++ inheritance and polymophism through
tdelibs/tdebase to >arrive at the points in the code that need
attention -- is -- (looking for word stronger than >futile...checking it!) simply absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic,
laughable, ludicrous, > nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous --
to the point of making "a contribution so small as to belaughable."
You c++ guys shell out some advise and guidance and we will be more than happy to help :)
As usual, different people have different opinions, so I will give mine too.
1) Number of bugs in bugszilla
As a developer, I prefer to have "10 bugs filed and one fixed" than "1 bug
filed and 1 fixed". It means we are doing a good job with testing (and that we have
too little active developers :( ).
Having a list of bugs that are almost all resolved, does not mean the project is better.
It means we are not testing well at all. Luckily, we have people like Darrell, David,
Francois, Alex and others that constantly report any issue they find. Maybe the issue will
be resolved 2 years later, but at least we know it exists. So please keep up with filing
bugs :)
2) Applications in the tree
The more we have, the better. Not because we want to show to the world how many beautiful
applications we have (the first comment against that would be that most of them are 3-4
years old at least), but because when we need *that* particular application for *that*
particular job in *that* particular day, the application is already available in our DE.
If we don't have *that* application, we need to start looking around for an
application doing *that* particular job, and Murphy's laws dictates that when we need
*that* particular application, we are usually already short in time :)
3) Contribution to TDE
While I understand very well the frustration of Darrell, I strongly disagree with the
comments marked as ">>" and ">" at the beginning of this
email. No contribution to TDE, however small it could be, is ever going to be considered
"futile" or "looking for word stronger than futile...checking it!) simply absurd, cockeyed, derisory, idiotic, laughable, ludicrous,
nonsensical, preposterous, ridiculous -- to the point of making a contribution so small as
to be laughable."
Please remember that TDE carries on thanks to the effort of us all, not just the (few
active) C++ developers.
There are tons of things that need attention.
- testing: very important, so please keep up with it :)
- documentation review: don't need to be a C++ developer to edit docs. Darrell has
been doing an outstanding job with it lately. Would be good if others could help him out
- website review: same as for the documentation, don't need to be a C++ developer to
contribute to it.
- development: yes, here you need to know some C++ :) But not all bugs are major ones, so
if your skills are somehow limited, you can try to target small bugs and leave the big
ones to the other developers.
TDE lives thanks to the effort of us all. Please don't give up, whether you are
testing, fixing paper cut issues, reviewing docs, fixing major problems or whatever else
you are doing to contribute to it.