Do we have access to the old KDE web site pages? The Trinity web site provides no package
description pages like the old KDE web site. I think we could use such pages.
I'm no HTML expert but if we have an archive of the old kde web site I am willing to
help massage the old pages into Trinity pages.
Second, I noticed when building the 3.5.13 packages from tarballs that some of the old
/usr/doc files were not part of the binary packages. Fair enough, most of that was stale
and useless. However, there is a readme file in every package and the file says nothing
more than to visit the wiki to learn how to build each package. The wiki is lacking in
specific package information. I can update the wiki but I don't know what is relevant.
That is, I had to heavily patch a few 3.5.13 packages in Slackware, but I don't know
whether that is true for other distros. I had to do some serious head scratching to get
some packages to build and having specific information would have helped.
Perhaps an improved approach is to create a wiki page for each package with instructions
for building. That documentation should be duplicated in the package readme file. Many of
the pages will be repetitive because they require nothing different or unique. Or create
individual pages only for those packages that require different build options. Certainly
any package that requires one or more patches needs that information.
Lastly, long ago I mentioned the idea of a Trinity user's guide. Something that allows
multiple output options, such as HTML, and PDF. Packagers could add a desktop icon to the
generic user profile and first time users would see the icon right away. Several distro
maintainers do this and I always liked the idea. The user's guide would be part of the
Trinity web site too. I am willing to help.
I'm not demanding anything :) --- just trying to start conversations. I welcome that
GIT and bug quashing have priority for 3.5.14. I want that to succeed --- especially the
bug quashing. :) I think documentation is something that can grow and mature on the side.
Do we need a plan?