Floppy drive
When configured in Configure Desktop -> Behavior -> Device icons, an icon appears on
the desktop for unmounted floppy.
I can mount the device with the popup menu.
Using the desktop popup menu, the device mounts in /media/fd0, although configured in
mediamanagerrc as /media/floppy.
Note: Under HAL the default configuration is to poll the device every two seconds. I long
ago disabled that option because the clicking sound is irritating, especially for a device
that is used seldom. TDEHW does not seem to poll floppy drives.
Inserting a DVD
After about 30 seconds an icon appears on the desktop. A much longer waiting period than
with HAL.
A dialog appears asking me what action to take.
I can mount the device with the popup menu through the dialog or through the device popup
I cannot perform an Eject through the popup menu. I have to use the drive eject button.
Running 'eject -T dvd" from konsole does not work either but did under HAL.
USB flash drives
After about 30 seconds an icon appears on the desktop. A much longer waiting period than
with HAL.
I have my USB flash drives configured to automount. Under TDEHW they do not automount.
The device icon label changes when I use a different physical port.
Using the desktop popup menu, the device mounts to /media/sdf1 and not the mount point I
Using the desktop popup menu, the device unmounts.
Safely Remove does not work.
Compact flash cards
I removed the compact flash card from my camera and inserted into my card reader. An icon
Like the USB drives, Safely Remove does not work.
Oddly, the icon is a USB flash drive rather than a sd_mm icon.
Overall, device recognition seems to be working for all devices. So that is good progress.
Most issues are after recognition.
* Device recognition/response is much, much slower than under HAL. I wait a long time for
icons to appear. I suspect many users will treat that behavior as breakage.
* The Mounting tab in the Properties popup dialog is not available.
* Without the Mounting tab there is no method to configure mount options for individual
* Mount points are not configurable and are not the same as used in mediamanagerrc.
* TDEHW does not honor the previous mount points used in mediamanagerrc. I use mount
points that make sense to me: /media/kingston_8gb, /media/cruzer_8gb /media/cruzer_16gb,
/media/buffalo_1gb, etc. Mounts points of /media/sdf1, /media/sdg1, etc. do not make sense
to me because I can't easily distinguish multiple devices. Likewise with the floppy
mount point. /media/floppy makes more sense to me than /media/fd0.
* TDEHW does not use the existing icon labels used in mediamanagerrc.
* For CD/DVDs, the Eject option is not working. Unmounting must be performed separately.
After unmounting, the Eject option does not work. I can eject only with the drive eject
* For USB flash drives, the device icon label changes when the physical port is different.
I suspect many users will treat that behavior as breakage.
* For USB devices the Safely Remove option does not work. Specifically, the icon does not