I'm using the latest GIT. I see a thumbnail with
I'm confused by the two check boxes: 1) Show file tips, 2)
Show previews in file tips. There seems to be no difference.
When I disable Show previews in file tips, I still get a
popup with a thumbnail. What should I see when I disable
Show previews in file tips?
There seems to be a relationship with KControl, Appearance
& Themes, Style, Enable tooltips. When this option is
disabled then I do not see any previews in Konqueror
regardless of the settings. I don't think many users will
figure that easily. Is there a better way to make that more
I need a session restart whenever I change the check boxes.
The changes do not occur in real-time within the session.
Update: I need to restart Konqueror, not the session.
The thumbnail previews do not support svgz.
Update: Support is mixed. Sometimes I see a thumbnail and sometimes I don't.