On 02/10/2014 09:55 PM, David C. Rankin wrote:
On 02/10/2014 08:14 PM, Slávek Banko wrote:
Currently I have unfinished a patch for
kdesktop_lock => response to systemd
signals Lock(), Unlock() and setting SetIdleHint(true / false). I'll put
patch to test when will be ready.
Then I want to prepare minimal systemd support for TDM.
And as a last I want to deal with automatic MultiSeat with systemd. But I
would like to use D-Bus calls instead of a direct call API functions sd_*.
Excellent. Just let me know when you want me to test. Thanks.
We may need to bump priority on this one - it is worse than initially
reported. It doesn't just effect fringe tdeio_slaves like the sftp tdeio_slave
it effects *ALL* tdeio_slaves, including tdeio_http. I browsed in konqueror
looking for configuration help with Tork and for help with the mixminion python
error and I had 50+ tdeio_file and tdeio_http processes like the following:
tdeio_file [tdeinit] file /tmp/tdesocket-david/tdelauncher0fCUxj.s
tdeio_file [tdeinit] file /tmp/tdesocket-david/tdelauncher0fCUxj.s
tdeio_file [tdeinit] file /tmp/tdesocket-david/tdelauncher0fCUxj.s
tdeio_http [tdeinit] https /tmp/tdesocket-david/tdelauncher0fCUxj.
tdeio_http [tdeinit] https /tmp/tdesocket-david/tdelauncher0fCUxj.
Apparently with every http connection, including browser search, a tdeio_file
slave is also opened to check/update the cache entries in addition to the
tdeio_http slave opened for the connection, so this will spin out of control
quickly with internet browsing.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.