We are working on a new web site design. Work is in progress. At
the moment I will share only that the new design looks great.
We would like some new Trinity screen shots.
* Must be from git (R14).
* No personal information exposed --- keep everything generic.
* No strange or unsual color combinations, no black or dark
backgrounds and wallpapers.
* Trinity apps only for these images. Certain free/libre non-
Trinity exceptions are acceptable, but only in the panel or desktop
* Screen shots from virtual machines must be full screen to appear
as a full desktop.
* Please remember we are advertising Trinity and not your desktop,
your 82 inch Jumbotron monitor, your conky talents, etc. :)
* We need one primary classic desktop shot. This particular shot
must be a default desktop, such that all of the device icons appear
as well as the default wallpaper. Add one Trinity app, but do not
cover the default desktop elements. I am thinking the default
screen with the release notes (help handbook) and tooltips dialog.
* A couple more classic desktop shots that are not default.
* At least one traditional, "Look everybody, I have a dozen apps
open!" image.
Other screen shots are open to your liking within the previous
Send all files to me through the list or directly.
More news about the new web site design soon to come.
Please forward this request to the user list. (Yeah, I know, I
should subscribe....)
Thank you!