On 01/17/2014 06:51 PM, Darrell Anderson wrote:
As you have been a way for a while, we also decided as
a team to
name our packages using 'trinity' as part of the package name. The
placement is not as important as including the name. I name all of
my packages as trinity-${module}-i486-blah-blah.txz. Works for me
nicely because those jibberish documents are easy to find in my
/usr/doc because every single directory is named trinity-${module}.
Also in my /var/log/packages history directory, I can type ls
trinity-* and quickly find all of my Trinity packages.
Grrr. I knew I missed out of something important. I'm still putting everything
in /opt/tde and all my packages are tde-appname-ver-minver.tar.xz. At least
changing the prefix= will be a snap, picking through the build & conf files may
be a bit of fun ;-)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.