It wasn't all that negative of a review. It didn't do us any good though.
I think Trinity's emphasis on speed is the wrong method to promote it
to the public. Every geek, journalist and muckraker out there when
they hear "it's faster" will immediately get out a program speedometer
and stage a race between the program execution and file opening speed
of Trinity and whatever they are comparing it to.
Yeah big programs are slower to start and to do some things from a
loading point of view--but its not that big a deal to a human using
one of the the newer computers. The only people into that kind of
speed are the overclockers, marketers, and reviewers.
What I--and what I think most people involved with Trinity--object to
in the "New & Improved" KDE4 and Gnome is what they did to the
work-flow. They added steps, moved things around, and made you throw
away years of training and experience just because they wanted a
"cuter" OS with lots of glitter.
I think the push to market Trinity should be about that--not revolve
around the word "speed"--which everyone relates to differently and
values differently.
Sell concepts like this:
You get work done faster and easier.
The work-flow is what you are used to and have used for years.
The work-flow is easier and it takes fewer movements to access what you need.
What you learned previously still applies and you don't have to
unlearn anything.
You don't have to waste time learning how to do something you already
understand in KDE3.
etc, etc...
I think most people resist having to learn new things but they
absolutely HATE having to learn to NOT do something that they have
done continuously for years. If you play on that you can get people's