Am Dienstag, 25. April 2017 schrieb Timothy Pearson:
Just done my
share. The only bug I'd like to be soved:
Make tde compile on FreeBSD 11, either via portstree (which worked on
FreeBSD 10, I think) or direct from source. I know Slavec has put a lot of
time into it, and it's a pitty that it won't compile from ports anymore.
Sounds like an interesting issue that I'd like to take a look at. Is this
already reported at ?
I think I wrote it in - but maybe too
specific to tqmake and I did not point out that I want to build on a clean/new FreeBSD 11
installation from ports.
According to this comment I think
Slavec has compiled TDE for FreeBSD, but I was not able to replicate, so most likely our
build environments differ in a suttle but important manner.
Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with the NSA,
CIA ...