hen I see the same problem.
It's the PRE blocks containing the top-posting demonstration. I've committed a
fix that re-wraps those, which should be okay down to something below 800 x 600.
E. Liddell
Hi E. Liddell,
I have to say that with the provided screenshot, it is much better.
Can you provide a screenshot with the header filling the whole browser width, and without
any border around the website, just like the TDEUI.
I don't care if the text paragraph has limited width, to increase readability, but the
header really needs to be full width, with the left sidebar being completely at left, no
matter the browser size.
With the way the text is placed and the font forced, it looks much better. Again, I
don't care if the paragraph text is not forced, but it is much better for the header.
Also, the gradient on the sidebar makes it look much softer, but I wonder if it would make
the site softer to see and more agreeable with a soft silver gradient (such as the one
provided) for the left sidebar, and the text in black. The text paragraph would look less
''in the corner'' than it is presently.
Can you provide a screenshot with the header filling the whole width, no withe space
around the website and the provided gradient?
Thank you!