On Wednesday 15 September 2010 02:39:20 Darrell
Anderson wrote:
Then there are the startup services and daemons.
I don't know if any KDE
GUI tool exists for that. If there I would appreciate a link so I can
consider how that tool might be adapted to Slackware. I think the Ubuntu
folks have something like that, but of course, GTK.
These things are very distro-dependent, I'm not sure that is good ideea to
include it in KDE (maybe for this reason was not developed never this kind
Becase we are only few developers (for now), maybe is better to focus to
improve/fix already existent features. For example, kmail (or more
kio_imap4) have a very annoying (and really old) bug which hang checking
emails if network connection broke (or the machine wakeup after suspend).
Also, kopete have poor support for file transfer (at least yahoo protocol,
even I was patch it heavily). And, of course, we need to improve
to support Qt4. There are a lot to do until we must thinking to develop
something new :)
And my very science fiction ideea is to build an interface which will
to compile KDE4 applications against trinity (a sort of compatibility
layer) :)
Agree 100%. The only thing I would add is that every now and then the
Trinity project gets some "green" developers that need a relatively simple
task or tasks to get used to the development process. As a kcontrol
module can be very simple (a UI file and some simple C++) this might be a
good RFE for them to cut their teeth on. Hence my request to add it to
the bugtracker. ;-)
After 3.5.12 is out we will need to get a list of future improvements and
associated priorities together. The top two as far as I am concerned are:
1. Converting to the CMake build system (automake is getting long in the
tooth and new, weird build problems seem to crop up for every release).
2 Adding Qt4 support to the TQt interface.
I cannot do either one by myself as they would take years when my other
responsibilities are factored in. ;-)