The KControl
tree list structure is defined in
tdebase/applnk/ The individual
tree list
categories are named in various
main/tdebase/applnk/kde-settings*.directory files. I haven't
looked further to see how the sub items in each category are
I now see how they work. The sub items all are *.desktop files in
$PREFIX/share/applications and have a related X-KDE-settings* option in the Categories
key. With that information we should be able to start tinkering once you get the etherpad
As for Translations - what is the state of
translations on
Trinity in
general? I only use English so I am not really aware of it.
How many
languages do we provide? do we have any translators willing
to do
I suspect even Tim has not tried to address translations and has side-stepped those
challenges simply by leaving the original *.desktop files as-is. There are various
translation tools but as mentioned in a recent thread, translations seldom are
copy-and-paste. That is why I wrote we use such tools and then hope for the best. I am
sure people using the other locales will let us know when we butcher their language. We
don't have a user base to solve this challenge easily. At least not for every
language. But we can post messages to the Trinity lists and ask for help.
One option would be for team members and users who attend college to solicit help on
campus. Professors likely know of ways and other people who might help.
Another option is to encourage somebody in Trinity-land who speaks multiple languages to
help as a translation team leader. That is, such a person who speaks multiple languages
will be more familiar with distinct aspects. For example, to English speaking people, many
foreign languages look "backwards" because words are placed in different
locations. For example, in English somebody might say The Blue Book but in a different
language the text would read The Book Blue. A person more familiar with other languages
would know to watch for those kind of syntax challenges even when a translation tool
correctly selects the words.
Another option will be to search the web for similar *.desktop files from all free/libre
Here is a list of the two-letter abbreviations used to identify each language:
What happens when a language is not translated in a desktop file? Does the underlying
parsing code then default to Name and GenericName, which almost always are American
English? If we can't translate everything is that a Bad Thing? Would such default text
be better than butchering a language through a translation tool?
I have seen that most developers don't worry about translations until people using
other languages contribute that specific translation. The challenge we face is many of
these Trinity desktop files are already translated. When we rename some of the KControl
items --- and that is a good long-term goal --- we start over from scratch and that might
seem unfair to those already using Trinity.