Baho - and others interested in packaging specifics,
In the kdebase PKGBUILD, I handled packaging of kdmrc and the Xsession file
as follows:
# set kdm directory
[[ -d ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir} ]] || install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}
# install kdmrc
[[ -f kdmrc ]] && install -m644 kdmrc ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}
# update the Xsession file
[[ -f Xsession ]] && install -m755 Xsession ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}
# create the starttrinity link
[[ -d ${pkgdir}/usr/bin ]] || mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
ln -sf /opt/trinity/bin/startkde starttrinity
You handled it slightly differently, primarily using cp and chmod instead of
install and adding the 'n' option to the link of starttrinity:
[[ -d ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir} ]] || install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}
[[ -f kdmrc ]] && cp -v kdmrc ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}
[[ -f ${scrdir}/Xsession ]] && {
cp -v ${scrdir}/Xsession ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}
chmod 0755 ${pkgdir}/${_kdmdir}/Xsession
[[ -d ${pkgdir}/usr/bin ]] || mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
ln -snf startkde ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/starttrinity
What is the benefit of using cp + chmod instead of 'install -m'? Also, why the
'ln -snf' on starttrinity instead of just 'ln -sf'? Just habit or
convention? On
both, I'm just curious. If the cp + chmod is less problematic, then that's the
way I want to go, but I don't want to just dismiss the use of install without
understanding the benefit.
What says the master?
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.