I understand your frustration Darrell, and no you are
not being
mean. You are
apparently taking the information I am posting in a way other than
it is intended to be received.
Yesterday I spent a couple of hours trying to resolve bug report
1842. The Help button code is in place but the button does not
Not to mention that the default size of the list box window clips
half the text to be unreadable.
After several attempts to patch with my awful C++ skills, I walked
away in frustration. Then I asked myself: Does anybody use this low
quality garbage? Who actually writes such crappy software? Is there
a reason why such apps never were pulled into the main KDE trunk?
Why are we supporting junk? Why do people use such software and
then pretend the app is not half broken?
This is what I mean by "chicken shit" bugs. These kinds of bugs
never should exist in the first place.
Today I asked myself, Why am I spending time on junk? Stop building
the crappy stuff and the problem goes away. Nobody else seems to
care that this grabage is broken, why should I?
The real problem is my standards are too high. I need to learn to
accept that three round wheels and one wheel shaped like an octagon
is "good enough."