On 02/23/2012 10:05 AM, David C. Rankin wrote:
I don't know enough about the code to tell whether
they are needed or
not. The all still apply cleanly, so I can only presume they are
needed. If so, then they should be added to the git tree if they are
needed by tdebase. Tim, Serghei, Darrell, who is smart enough to do
that? I'll look, but I'm not familiar at all with the source for
kicker, dbus, kcontrol or nspluginscan. I'll put up the updated
pkgbuilds once I get them cleaned. All the build scripts need work.
There is a mismatch of naming between $pkgname $provides and $depends
that I'm just going to make a table of the values and start from the
beginning and update all the pkgbuilds so the dependency tree is
clean. I.e.: Qt3 -> tde-tqtinterface -> tde-arts -> tde-dbus-tqt ->
.... tde-tdelibs -> tde-tdebase, and so on. Right now the scripts
still have 'kde' in the pkgname and provides. There have been
significant changes from a distro build standpoint between the 3.5.13
tarballs and the current git tree. Primarily, just the 'kd_whatever'
to 'td_whatever'. All necessary, but it will just take reworking the
PKGBUILDs to accommodate.
No they should be addressed at the dev point. Everthing that needs
renamed should be accounted for by the devs.
Only packing issues should be dealt with from a packagers view. we all
know that there are enought of those :(