On Mon December 15 2014 19:02:31 Timothy Pearson wrote:
Thanks for the info. How are you determining the
percentage of final?
Assuming the 11/12 Packages.gz is final, iterate through it
and see how many of the "^Filename: " are present. Initially
I was doing this for Wheezy and recently for Jessie but based
on observed mirror behavior I think this is representative as
all distros of each package+version tend to mirror together.
In addition to different results from kuiper, copernicus,
mirrorservice.org, I've also been seeing different
results using http versus rsync. Color me confused.
At least the system now degrades gracefully instead of
causing the
showstopper failures Darrell was alluding to that were unfortunately
characteristic of previous releases.
Yes, that's a significant improvement.