On 02/14/2014 12:57 AM, Michele Calgaro wrote:
Nevertheless it is *never* a good idea to have two
different packages
(regardless of the distribution used) having files going into the same
location. There is no problem when you install (you just overwrite the file
and probably don't even notice the problem), but it you remove a package
then you can break another one. So IMO it would be better to use different
locations for the icons for all distributions, not just Debian/Ubuntu.
Cheers Michele
What packages are trying to put things in the same location? I am still not
clear on that?
Yes, I get it is never good to have 2 different packages try to put something in
the same place, in fact it is prohibited by any decent package manager. What I
was saying is that if is just Debian/Ubuntu that has icons that conflict with
Amarok, just remove them during the packaging stage rather than moving icons
around in the git tree. I have to do this with tdesdk and others:
msg "Packaging - $pkgname-$pkgver"
cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname#*-} # use for non-out-of-source
make -j1 DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
## remove files that conflict with tde-tdesvn (svn+*.protocol)
rm ${pkgdir}/opt/trinity/share/services/*.protocol
## remove icons that conflict with tdeartwork
rm ${pkgdir}/opt/trinity/share/icons/locolor/32x32/apps/kbabel.png
rm ${pkgdir}/opt/trinity/share/icons/locolor/16x16/apps/kbabel.png
These should be fixed in TDE because they effect everyone. What in Debian/Ubuntu
is conflicting with Amarok icons? Which package? Is it part of TDE or some other
Debian/Ubuntu package? If it is a TDE package from the git tree, then fix or
rename as needed.
If it is just some other non-TDE Debian/Ubuntu package not in TDE git that
conflicts, then fix it in packaging and don't move parts of the git tree around
unless it can't be handled in packaging, then make sure you get signoffs so
everyone knows what part of TDE is changing. We want to minimize surprises and
breakage as we wind down to RC1 freeze.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.