On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 1:18 AM, Darrell Anderson
<humanreadable(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
Neither option appears in the Configure Toolbars menu
> I hope I'm missing something obvious!
You can use either the Menu bar at the top:
Settings >> Toolbars -- turns the individual toolbars
on and off
Settings >> Configure Toolbars -- lets you add remove
things to the
individual tool bars.
Right click in an empty part of the toolbar and select
Toolbars from the menu.
Those options don't do anything. :) There are no options to not show either. In the
Extensions menu are check boxes but they don't do anything either.
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OK, sorry I did not read your post correctly
In the user account that has has the search bar, when you use
configure toolbars, does the "search" feature show up in either the
left or right window? If it does what is it's name?
If it does not show, you might have an "orphan" issue where the search
feature was discontinued in the upgrade version but the upgrade
process left it in when upgrading KDE.
On "clean" installs I have had toolbar features like that disappear on
later versions and I have had to edit the appropriate *ini files to
put it back in. I have done this mostly with Kate since Konqueror in
its default "installed" layout does what I want. With an upgrade the
features were retained because KDE continued to use my original *.ini
files from my home folder.