Are you talking about what is automatically shown in
the "titlebar"? I see it
now, but wouldn't have thought that would have mattered. What should I call the
test account? Whatever I name it, it will show in the titlebar. I touched up the
image to remove the titlebar text:
I call my test accounts tester and testy.
I use them often to test bugs in a fresh profile. I rename ~/.trinity to ~/.trinity.bak.
That forces the creation of a new profile directory. When I am finished with that
particular test I delete the newly created ~/.trinity and rename ~/.trinity.bak to
Perhaps call your test account username.
We will need to address this issue again for updating screenshots in the help handbooks.
Most of the images should retain a similar look. The best way to do that will be for
participants to create a testing account and then set the style and theme and colors as
needed. I'm not picky about the overall style, or widgets, but colors should be
Another option is to create themes. One for for regular usage and a second theme for
handbook screenshots. Then toggle between the two themes as necessary.
By the way, I understand your exuberance, but I am not motivated to add a snapshot of
xmleditor to the new web site. That app is not yet approved or in wide usage yet.