We recently had to move from minimal cmake version 2.8 to 2.8.12 because cmake-3.19 was
giving warnings about some deprecated features in cmake-2.8 (still available in
cmake-2.8.12) bound to be remove in the future.
The oldest cmake version provided with Ubuntu-16.04 is cmake-3.5.1, I see that Centos7
ships with cmake-2.8.12 but cmake3-3.17.1 is available from EPEL.
Is It a problem in your rpms workflow/packaging stuff to switch to cmake3 from EPEL?
I'm asking you this because I'd like to rise minimal version for cmake based on
the oldest distro that Slavek package, at the moment Ubunty-16.04 with cmake-3.5.1,
afterward Ubuntu-18.04 with cmake-3.10.1, etc.