if (KConfigGroup(KGlobal::config(),
"Logout").readBoolEntry("doFancyLogout", true))
This seems to refer to a non-existing option; perhaps it
existed in the
Kubuntu panel...
Hey! Those settings work! :)
Hmm. My foggy memory seems to recall a long time ago that Tim said feature controls were
available in the config file but there was no KControl interface. :)
I took a guess the settings belong in ksmserverrc (how would I actually learn that from
the code?). This is what is needed:
Setting doFancyLogout to false does indeed stop the fadeaway effect.
The doFancyLogoutAdditionalDarkness seems to have an upper limit of 1.0. Beyond that and
my screen went goofy. The lower limit seems to be 0.0. The entire screen goes black and
only a remnant of the kicker panel is still seen.
Playing with doFancyLogoutFadeTime and doFancyLogoutFadeBackTime changes how fast the
fadeaway appears and disappears. I don't know the lower and upper limits. I imagine
zero is the lower limit as the numbers represent milliseconds.
So seems these settings can be inserted manually. Actually, only doFancyLogout is needed
to enable or disable the effect. The other settings could be ignored and the code will use
the defaults.
If somebody was to create an interface then I'd think something like this in KDE
Components/Session Manager, General section:
All of the following are disabled/ghosted when "Confirm logout" is unchecked.
When "Confirm logout" is enabled then the following widget is
* A radio button: Enable fancy gray fadeaway
When that radio button is enabled then the following become enabled/unghosted:
* A slider control from zero to 1.0 for darkness
* A slider control from zero to ?? milliseconds for fade time
* A slider control from zero to ?? milliseconds for restore time
* If the system is running the Ubuntu OS, then a check box appears, but only if the OS is
I'll add this information to the bug report!