There is some nominal support in kcontrol to support
startup management.
I don't know what all is available in this area for KDE 3.5.x, but I'd
like to see more.
As Slackers tend to be rather anal about such GUI apps <roll eyes>, very
little in that way ever apeared in Slackware.
There is some kind of Lilo manager hook in kcontrol. There is something
called qgrubeditor that supports GRUB 1. That tool now only supports QT4
(what's new). I don't see qgrubeditor in svn so here is a vote to support
Then there are the startup services and daemons. I don't know if any KDE
GUI tool exists for that. If there I would appreciate a link so I can
consider how that tool might be adapted to Slackware. I think the Ubuntu
folks have something like that, but of course, GTK.
This all would be something for 3.5.13 of course.
Why don't you file a RFE bug at for that?
I usually direct new developers to the bugtracker to fix items present
there, as well as use it to prioritize development.