Most people don't do that. They make attacks that
little or no patience
in facts. I have no patience for that. Best to avoid that
and put on the site
in plain site something like, "If you have a problem with
TDE, please file a
bug report or contact our developers via IRC or mailing
list to see if it can
be resolved before you do your review." We can then link to
our mailing lists
and IRC logs. That way, the people who attack us without
asking for help or
without putting any REAL effort into fixing the issue look
like total idiots.
After all, didn't we offer to help them out, and put effort
into helping
We are in the process of reorganizing our web site. There will be time for peer reviews
and commentary. I agree some kind of statement is needed to encourage people to submit bug
reports. We need to write such statements in a positive manner.
For example: with a statement and link to the bugzilla: Add a simple statement such as
"Thanks for helping!" shows respect for others and hopefully provides
Yet many people do not want to join a bugzilla to file the occasional bug report. Basic
human nature to complain and take little action for only a bug or two.
Therefore in addition to a link to the bugzilla, I think we should consider a simple form
box where users can submit bug reports without joining the bugzilla. The form submission
would get forwarded to selected individuals in the group and one of them would post a bug
report if the problem can be verified in any way. The form submission should require
posters to include an email address so respondents can discuss further information.