Here is a simple one for you. The 'tips' in konsole tips to set the prompt
incorrectly uses a 'close' instead of 'open' bracket following the
'e' and
incorrectly uses a ';' and omits the 'm' to terminate resetting the
background and bold state. The tips contain 3 similar references in the form:
export PS1=$PS1"\[\e]0;\H:\w\a\]"
This is wrong. It should be:
export PS1=$PS1"\[\e[0m\H:\w\a\]"
Note the second bracket is backwards... should be
Further, to properly reset the background and bold state of the prompt (and to
terminate non-printing characters) so that BASH can properly calculate prompt
length and spacing, you must use '\[\e0m' not \[\e]0; (note the semicolon) The
semicolon is used to separate the foreground/background colors not terminate the
reset... You can see the differences when you look at the bad/good prompts
stacked above/below each other:
export PS1=$PS1"\[\e]0;\H:\w\a\]"
export PS1=$PS1"\[\e[0m\H:\w\a\]"
I've included a patch that fixes the existing 3 prompt tips and I have
included 2 additional prompt tips as well.
Review, signoff and push. If you don't want the additional 2 tips, just trim
them from the patch. (I always like additional tips :)
(no I won't explain how I found this :)
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.