LXDE and XFCE fall miles behind in functionality
and integration. I laugh at the fact they even call LXDE an
environment. All components are so modularized (which isnt
bad) that they are all independent. They don't even
have their own window manager and use Open Box instead.
Basically as I see it, the functionality provided by LXDE is
that of me running Openbox, with a panel and desktop, using
a File Manager of my choice.
I just came across this article about razor-qt:
Seems the desktop is dependent upon Qt rather than kdelibs. If some want to explore making
TDE apps available as stand-alone, perhaps a few tricks could be learned by how these
people wrote razor-qt.
Even if LXDE is more a hodge-podge of apps and utilities rather than a true cohesive
desktop, many users nonetheless will perceive that environment as a competitive
"desktop" to Trinity. Seems razor-qt could be thrown loosely into the discussion
about "competition." Granted razor-qt is just a desktop and one without a native
window manager, and offers almost no apps or utilities (yet), but probably one we should
watch for reviews, features, and ideas.