That is for
debug only; are those messages at all linked
with the
BadWindow messages? If not they will be removed in
the next SVN commit.
They appear many times successively and not associated with any BadWindow
They appear only after I log out and exit X.
Perhaps such messages should look something like this:
[systemtray] Debug test: Clearing area to set background
As much as I hate those messages, I would vote to place that item at the
top of the to-do list for 3.5.13. I'll submit a priority 1 bug report if
you want. Your call.
The [systemtray] message has been removed. I am thinking that the
BadWindow errors may actually be caused by Qt, as Trinity uses XClearArea
very sparingly and you just helped rule out the only section of code that
could have been causing the repeating BadWindow errors.