Hi Nigel,
Item 2:
Right I've got the root login working and when logged in as root konquerorsu
opens correctly when using the desktop icon.
Thanks. It seems the problem may be with permission or loading of modules
when using tdesudo.
Just to be sure, in previous installation this worked fine with tdesudo, right?
Item 3:
I'll have a go at building the modules for R14.0.6. the page for the source
has a whole bunch of packages.
can I get a working TDE from,
You would need all the modules up to tdebase (see here:
tdesudo. That should be enough I think.
item 4:
I do need to install xubuntu 16.04 on another computer but that has the
motherboard on it and I don't want to be working
on too many things at the
same time.
Maybe you can try an installation inside a VirtualBox VM.
If you give me the exact steps to reproduce this (what you installed, what you changed and
so on), I may even try
installing the same here in a VM. Please document any non-default choice you made in such
installation, so I can
duplicate the same process here.