With the latest git from today, I see the foolowing build errors:
x_10.cpp:16439:5: error: 'x_TDEApplication::x_TDEApplication(bool,
bool)' cannot be overloaded
x_10.cpp:16418:5: error: with
'x_TDEApplication::x_TDEApplication(bool, bool)'
x_10.cpp:16446:5: error:
cannot be overloaded
x_10.cpp:16425:5: error: with
x_10.cpp:16453:5: error: 'x_TDEApplication::x_TDEApplication()'
cannot be overloaded
x_10.cpp:16432:5: error: with
I'm presuming this has something to do with the latest session
manager changes. I was able to build both packages until then.