2012/1/15 Robert Xu <robxu9(a)gmail.com>om>:
Hello all,
I've JUST discovered these scripts while browsing the Cmake wiki randomly...
There seem to be some KDE3 conversion scripts o3o
Could this help make our life a lot easier or no?
I worte here about them some time ago. They need some fixing since
when I used them they couldn't generate correct CMake files for
Anyway the preffered mothod of porting is to wite CMake files
manually, since that way you have more control.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Serghei Amelian <serghei(a)thel.ro>
Date: 2011/12/9
Subject: Re: [trinity-devel] Porting to cmake.
To: trinity-devel(a)lists.pearsoncomputing.net
Actually writing cmake rules are realy simple, because I developed macros to
simplify the process, is a simple copy/paste procedure. Most of time is
consumed developing check procedures.
Manually porting is preffered, because resulted files are very clean,
predictible and easily debugable, with no useless dependencies.
email is so cluttered that it triggered this signature. :|
xu_robert will be away from 11 Jan to 28 Jan with note: finals and SATs.
later daze. :: Robert Xu ::
rxu.lincomlinux.org :: protocol.by/rxu
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