On Friday 17 of October 2014 02:21:48 E. Liddell wrote:
Here's a quick peek at what I've been
twiddling with before I go off to
look at something other than a screen for the rest of the evening. Changes
made (some of which may not stay):
-The top banner is wider, and the title has been moved upward so that
it's centered relative to the whole banner as it now stands (Alexandre,
did you want me to try to center it in the space between the top edge and
the stripe instead?) I experimented with adding a subtitle, but I couldn't
get it to look right. :(
-Gradient under the nav area.
-Sans-serif font forced in the title and navigation areas only. (The exact
font stack is Arial, Libre Sans, sans-serif.)
-The logo has grown again (I admit I just stretched it again rather
than running off another copy at the right size, though).
-There's a veeeery faint blue-grey border stripe at the right edge of
the text area to give it a bit more structure.
E. Liddell
Just by chance I came to the page with mailing-lists. I have a little smaller
browser window, the result is seen in the screen shot.