I too would like to see kbugbuster working well.
I'm don't
know XML, but I'll see if I can find where it is done in the code...
I've gone as far as I can with the patch attached to the bug report. I probably could
push to GIT. Perhaps you or Slavek want to test in 3.5.13 SRU before pushing to GIT?
Thus far I notice kbugbuster is much faster fetching data than deskzilla. Faster than the
web interface too. Just too bad the list box display is populated full of
"Unknown" and Undefined" table cells. I tried patching some more but saw no
change. I don't know whether I'll ever get the hang of C++.
I haven't tested posting changes to a bug report from kbugbuster. That could be
dangerous right now. I am waiting to get the list box display corrected. Yet I can connect
with my login and password to list the bugs I wrote, which is encouraging toward
eventually using kbugbuster to update the bugzilla.