> Caveat: The tde-i18n patch is huge. So huge that I
will not even
> try to post the patch or try to push to git until I reduce to
> smaller patches and push piece-meal one at a time.
Woops! A typo in my diff command resulted in the large diff. The
final patch is now MUCH smaller and sane. :-)
I don't feel that I'm one of core testers, but
why not to push
them into
their own branch and let somebody test it?
IMO It's easier than mess with patch-sets and no mob of angry
developers or
testers will not want to broke your legs ;)
Branch? Um, nope, ain't going down that road. :-) Git hates me and
I hate git. I'm reasonably confident the patch set can be pushed to
git as is because I'm seeing no problems here. I asked the question
of posting patches for testing in case others don't feel confident,
which I'm fine with.
btw: haven't forgot to rename cmake variables? e.g.
Is that a question? To me?