On 7 April 2012 22:34, Darrell Anderson <humanreadable(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
Hey guys I am
sorry this is taking so so very long :|
I've been away at the grandparents abode in the motherlands
of new england for most of this week. Tomorrow is also a big booked
day. I am the in house bass player for my church and Eater morning
tends to be the most stressful Sunday of the year. Hopefully I can sneak
off after our easter dinner and lay the crackdown on this patch.
Expect it by Friday the latest and please remember to bug me
about it!
If you have the basics started, then send me that. I only want to ensure both patches end
up in the same group box. You sent me a mock up a while back so I presume you have the
basics started, but I no longer have that picture.
Right now I dumped my check box in the General group box.
Please be sure to read the additional comments I added in the bug report.
Enjoy your weekend.
I've read over your comments ( these conf names are the darndest
confusing ambiguous buggers of all time). I will patch your patch into
min, then lets push them together as one?