theres a around bug time error some time ago..
in "[trinity-devel] Troubleshooting Run Time Crashes" mail thread and also
"[trinity-devel] New Qt3 xsession crash on x86_64 - need collective wisdom
:" and also
In all common denominator is glibc under virtualmachine on/or 64bit, almost
always accompanied by xcb crash issues.
theres more info about glibc changes and issues, theres a related topic in
glibc bugtraker, that can be help:
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Robert Xu <robxu9(a)> wrote:
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 16:13, PICCORO McKAY Lenz
theres a issue around glibc 2.1X under virtual
machines, are running
in virtual machine?
where is this from? do you have a link to a bug?
later, Robert Xu
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Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
Cofundador de Venenux; debian based multimedia alike free only zealots
users (oh well, i try but..too many free guidelines buahhh)
creador de massenkoh linux; debian enhanchements for better up to date
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