On 03/04/2011 01:24 PM, Kristopher Gamrat wrote:
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 1:11 PM, David C. Rankin
<drankinatty(a)suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
I just finished a rebuild of everything this morning and the kcontrol settings
for desktop -> 'panel' are gone and my kicker icon for home and others are
x86_64 icons are there, but i686 is messed up. The versions I have are:
trinity-app-amarok 1223570-1
trinity-app-gtk-qt-engine 1222892-1.0
trinity-app-style-qtcurve 1182805-1
trinity-arts 1222998-1
trinity-kdebase 1223270-1
trinity-kdegraphics 1223711-1
trinity-kdelibs 1222999-1
trinity-kdevelop 1222477-1
trinity-kdewebdev 1222551-1
trinity-pyqt3 3.18.1-9
trinity-qt3 3.3.8-20
trinity-tqtinterface 1222551-1
Has anybody else see this behavior? I'll try deleting all sources and try
another rebuild. If you know anything else about this behavior, please let me know.
Are you building within the source code (e.g. cd /path/to/source &&
cmake {options}) or are you building in a separate directory (e.g.
mkdir tde-build && cd tde-build && cmake {options} /path/to/source)?
If you're building in a separate directory, you shouldn't need to
delete your source. If you're using svn and building out of source, do
"cd /path/to/source && svn up" before trying to build, and don't
up until you've built everything from svn you intend to build -- a
newer version of one thing may or may not build with an older version
of something else when you're working with svn sources, and if it
builds, it may or may not function correctly.
I'm sorry for not explaining. Arch builds out of source with a new working copy
that is checked out (or svn up) updated by the script. The build script operates
in any directory you put the build script in. (the build script is named
PKGBUILD in Arch) If there are any patches, they go in the directory with the
PKGBUILD. Take for example kdenetworkmanager (what I'm working on now)
I just create a directory trinity-app-kdenetworkmanager (it could just a easily
be named 'anything') and put the PKGBUILD script in it. Running 'makepkg'
creates a /pkg and /src directory under the directory with the PKGBUILD:
\-pkg (where the finished files are copied for packaging)
\-src (where the svn source gets downloaded -- eg.)
\- knetworkmanager
\- .svn
\- admin
\- cmake
\- knetworkmanager-0.8
So when I'm talking about deleting the source directory, I'm just talking
about deleting my working copy in trinity-app-kdenetworkmanager/src above and
pulling a fresh source. In the case of this problem on this one box, I have
probably built with the same source 10 times, so I just remove the src directory
and copy the directory from my pristine source tree into the working
directory/src dir.
So I guess you could say that this is building in source in a working copy :)
Originally I had started out building out of source using using the full svn
tree where the PKGBUILD was place in the tree (i.e. applications/kdenetwork)
where makepkg would then create a src for building out of code. However, this
doesn't meet the Arch standard of the PKGBUILD script being self-contained and
automatically retrieving the source-code for you. So after I got things figured
out enough to get things going, I went back and re-wrote the PKGBUILD scripts to
be Arch standards compliant :)
I'll check this box out again after I'm finished working with knetworkmanager.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.