I'm building python-tqt as follows:
[ "$QTDIR" = "" ] && .
[ "$TDEDIR" = "" ] && .
cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname#*-}
echo yes | python2 configure.py \
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -I/usr/include/tqt
-I${TDEDIR}/include -I${QTDIR}/include
-fpermissive" \
CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -I/usr/include/tqt
-I${QTDIR}/include -fpermissive"
sed -i '/#define _qtAPI_H/s|$|\n#define SIP_MODULE_NAME "sip"|'
make VERBOSE=1
I think your probably missing the sed statement. I had
forgotten about it until your post. It will need to be evaluated for pushing.
Thanks. The sed string confuses me. There is no such file in the directory, nor any such
text string. I can't find anything in the source tree resembling what is in that sed