I realise this is sort of "out-field",but the Trinity web site has lots and lots
of examples of the
packages for other distros but never one for openSUSE.
I'm not really, really a programmer but I have used openSUSE for years and I know if
something wrong
is the DE or the OS......And I can fault find simple tasks and problems. Currently I am
openSUSE 11.3 with KDE4.4.4 running in folder view and all special effects turned off.
remarkably fast and very, very, very stable.
Can anyone tell me when a package will be ready for openSUSE of any version ? I think
Robert Xu
(if I have that name right) was working on this, but so far I have seen nothing come out
- and this
is not a reflection on Robert as I am sure he has his hands overfull like the rest of you
Best wishes to you all.......I think what you are doing is great - I just want to get my
hands on
Trinity while using my favourite distribution.
Kind regards
Dr Tony Young
100 Langton Road
Blackbutt Qld 4306
ph (07) 4163 0395
fax as above
Linux is to computing what freedom is to mankind...and then there's Microsoft
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