Okay, I'm reading the wiki about git. In the
checkout section the text
implies the new local tree will be a directory named 'tde', same as
upstream. Currently my Trinity svn tree is in my build directory under the
name src_trinity_svn. I would like to use a similar name, such as
src_trinity_git. If I understand correctly, I do this:
git clone
http://scm.trinitydesktop.org/scm/git/tde src_trinity_git
cd src_trinity_git
* Is that correct?
It should work, yes.
* I'm on a nominal broadband connection. About how many GB will I download
with the new git tree?
Probably a few GB (I have not measured it, sorry).
Although I submit patches, I'm not a seasoned developer and I have no
desire to muck with the upstream git tree. I want only to maintain a local
tree to build and test packages. If I understand correctly I do this:
(If I do not change my local tree)
cd $BUILDDIR/src_trinity_git
git pull
(If I change my local tree)
cd $BUILDDIR/src_trinity_git
* Is that correct?
The last one is correct IF you are going to commit your changes to the
upstream GIT. If you just want to reset to the latest version (throwing
away your changes), use ./scripts/switch_all_submodules_to_head_and_clean
Lastly, no pressure intended, only curiosity that kills the cat, any
estimate when git will go public? Or, can I create a local tree now and
update daily but just don't use the tree until git goes public?
Doing a rebuild test now. Depending on what problems show up we may be
able to stay on schedule for public access starting on Jan 1. :-)